Paying reparations for slavery is possible – based on a study of federal compensation to farmers, fishermen, coal miners, radiation victims and 70 other groups

By Linda J. Bilmes, Harvard Kennedy School and Cornell William Brooks, Harvard Kennedy School As Americans celebrate Juneteenth, legislation for…

W.E.B. Du Bois’ study ‘The Philadelphia Negro’ at 125 still explains roots of the urban Black experience – sociologist Elijah Anderson tells why it should be on more reading lists

W.E.B. Du Bois is widely known for his civil rights activism, but many sociologists argue that he has yet to…

Research on teen social media use has a racial bias – studies of white kids are widely taken to be universal

By Linda Charmaraman, Wellesley College and J. Maya Hernandez, University of California, Irvine Most research on teen social media use…

The reality of Black men’s love lives and marriages is very different than what’s usually shown on TV – I spent years actually talking to them

By Armon Perry, University of Louisville Finding and keeping a good Black man in a relationship has become a cottage…